Despite reductions in maternal and newborn mortality across the world, Nigeria still faces the worse form of healthcare challenges especially for mothers and their newborns. Nigeria is faced with multifaceted health challenges ranging from lapses in maternal and newborn healthcare, shortage of skilled health personnel, poorly equipped medical facilities, and unavailability of life-saving commodities needed to save mothers and newborns, inadequate health facilities, etc. These health challenges are particularly pronounced in rural areas and among the poorest and most marginalized. The rate of pregnancy-related injuries, infections, diseases, disabilities and preventable adverse newborn health outcomes are still very high. These challenges are preventable but requires government’s financial commitment in delivering quality healthcare services that work for all and especially for mothers and newborns.
One of the major healthcare delivery challenges we have in the country is that resources are not always made available for Key critical health interventions. Nigeria is yet to meet the Abuja target to allocate 15 per cent of the budget to health. It is also important to note that the little that is budgeted to health are often not released on time, thereby reducing the chances of women and children from, benefitting from what was allocated. This is because approved budget is not often released in record time, and when released it is misappropriated.
MamaYe- Evidence for Action launched the #FundNaijaHealth Campaign, A Health Budget Performance Campaign in an effort to draw attention of policy and decision makers and the relevant ministries responsible for the implementation of health policies and plans, on issues bothering around timely Release and utilization of appropriated funds for health and provision of oversight function in the monitoring and evaluation of impact of the funds released to improve accountability and transparency in health budgetary process.
The #FundNaijaHealth Campaign intends to create awareness around these issues aforementioned and work closely with stakeholders through collective participatory process to mitigate those bottlenecks. This is in recognition of constitutional responsibility of government to achieving quality healthcare to citizenry in line with the sustainable Development Goals and the Universal Health Coverage which are some of the international treaties Nigerian government has signed and pledged to uphold.
Together with one voice we can achieve the desired change; the campaign is for all Nigerians to actively participate and amplify so that the targeted goal will be achieved. Here are couple of ways you can participate in driving the campaign.
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