Friday 11 July 2014



Enugu Association USA was formed in 1998 as an umbrella that will unite the Enugu people (waawa) leaving in USA to maintain peace, promote African culture, harmonize the Ibo's in Diaspora, and to keep one love among themselves.
Therefore, the Enugu Association USA is been headed by Hon. Chief/Atty. Ifesianchi Ugwuonye (Ada di ora nma) from Eziagu Local Government Area as the National President. Thereby promoting a sound medical provision for the less privilegded ones.
However, in a recent news, the Government of Enugu state in Nigeria have denied the existence of "Enugu Association USA" which have been existing for over a decade. As they appoint their new president(Chief Ifesinachi Ugwuonye), there have been rumours....because she won fairly and she is the chosen one.

Here is what happened during and after the election in USA:

Finally, I read through all your messages of congratulations on my recent election into the office of PRESIDENT of ENUGU USA - Enugu State People Resident in the Americas.
I am humbled by your outpour of goodwill messages, your support, encouragement and friendship. Let me tell you this: We were four contestants; the campaign period was quite intense as the darkest sides of some people were exposed - even the ones I thought were friends. They hide behind masks and sent out the most horrific attacks. It got worse by the day and it came from all quarters, and targeted at me. As I wondered if all these were worth it, I thought of my FB friends. I thought of those times you have encouraged me with your kind words and assurances. I knew this was not about me, but about the many people who need to be heard, but who have been deprived of their voices and rights by the kind of characters that attacked my person because I ask for the rights of everyone, especially the lowly and less fortunate. So I pushed on with perseverance and dedication.
I had the most formidable Campaign Team, called "the SINACHI-4-PRESIDENT Campaign Team". Membership to the team is made up of all races, ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds. They are all professionals and holding their own in their different fields of endeavors. We worked hard, tirelessly, day and night. We strategized and re-strategized. We formed a response squad, issuing responses where needed with the speed of light. Because the Team is drawn from all time zones, all were alert 24/7. During all the campaigning months, weeks, days and hours, I find myself thinking of you, my FB friends. I missed our usual interactions, but I was confident that you would understand my somewhat lack of activities here. So I pushed on, and when it came to the final moment, - it was the moment all awaited; it was the moment where each candidate addressed "the people", and without masks or handlers - this time, face to face. This was where the people wanted to hear each candidate say, in his or her own words, what she/her intended to do for the people we are asking for their votes.
The three other candidates went ahead of me, and I listened to their speeches. Then it was my turn to speak. I got up, took few steps forward, turned to face the audience, but in my mind's eye, I was looking at my FB friends and for a second wondered what you would have liked me to say. I started speaking, and just like I imagined my FB friends would, I heard loud cheering from the audience. Now, almost certain that all of your were in that audience, I spoke on, saying those things that I truly believe will help our people. Everybody was cheering by the end of my three minutes speech. The result was almost certain at that point.
The voting process went on, and the results were announced right away. My friends and in fact, everyone, even those that did not vote for me, were jubilating, singing, dancing, crying, hugging one another, and doing all those things that people do when they are extremely happy and excited. I was happy for them. I was probably one of the very few without tears running. Tears of joy on their faces made all the troubles worth it. The thought of you, my FB friends kept me composed and calm. I was happy, but I preferred to watch my people being so excited at the outcome of Enugu USA presidential election. I find no adequate words to describe the atmosphere in that election hall on that Sunday, June 29, 2014.
It so became an election that was blown into all the news media. I am glad the campaign period is over. But I am also aware that the haters are not yet tired. You will probably still read some lies out there still being circulated by the usual gang. I urge you to see them for what they are: They are simply the handiwork of people who hate progress, and will do everything to block the little chance of another person's progress. They are the people that take even from the poor. They want to reap where they did not sow. They want to continue to deprive the less privileged any chance of getting out of their lowly situation. But with faith, determination and God's grace, we shall overcome. Together, we can help make the world a better place for all to live in. A thousand miles starts with just one step. We are not doing well until every one of us is doing well.
I owe immense gratitude to some special friends, who believed in me, and in the cause. I thank them for their determination, resilience, dedication, loyalty, strength, wisdom, intelligence, generosity, friendship, love, etc. The cried and laughed with me. They encouraged and remained optimistic with such high spirits. They are the ones that will remain with you no matter the situation. They are my true friends.
I want to ask for your prayers as I go through the challenges ahead. You pray for me and I pray for you. And I ask for your continued support and encouragement at all times. You too, are my friends and I appreciate you. Thank you again, dear FB friends. Sinachi; July 2014.
  • 43 people like this.
  • Chinwe Christiana Ugochukwu Congratulations again, keep your shoulders high and ride on.
    21 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Celina Nwagbo Congratulations , one with God is majority. In fact, I'm ready to join the meeting now. This is just to show you how happy I am for you. Get us infoed for next & your first meeting.
    21 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Eunice Ngozi Urama Madam President, Congratulations again and again. It was a very rough road but God proved Himself strong and Mighty. I rejoice with you.
    16 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Nat Okolie I had always admire your profile. You had added another Cap to it. What God decides, no one can change or fault it. God is your strength and will enrich you with wisdom to excel in the Noble Assignment He had given to you. Congratulations Our President in USA!
    14 hours ago · Like · 1
Note: This is what the Chief Ifesianchi Ugwuonye posted on her facebook page appreciating all the people that voted and believed in her leadership

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